Great Vibes at the historic West Palm Beach Fishing Club on August 3rd 2022

Tom “Buzz” Bzura invited Capt. Jarad “Dingo” Boshammer to be a guest speaker at the West Palm Beach Fishing Club. The topic was inshore lures and what better artificial to talk about than the Nomad Vertrex Vibes. There really is no other lure that ticks as many boxes.
It was a full house when Dingo walked in 30 minutes before the event was to kick off. The curiosity of the club members was obvious. What is the Vibe? Dingo went onto give a brief history of his back ground in the fishing industry. Being a licensed Captain of 25 years and only being 40 years of age. Fished in 20 countries and having a passion for all things fishing. From dry flies in mountain streams to trolling for Grander Marlin and everything in between. Dingo’s real passion for fishing is the art of fishing artificial lures and flies. The challenge of catching fish that don’t want to be caught. The Vertrex opens up opportunities that not many lures can by being able to be fished effectively in a vast amount of water depths. The natural vibration of the lure being worked gets fish drawn in and then triggering bites on the fall.
The club members were all saying this is the biggest thing they have seen since slow pitch jigging. Only it is a style that can be used in far more situations for almost anything. Fresh or salt, 2’ of water to 200’+ the Vertrex just catches fish.
There were some great questions for Dingo… Can it be fished off the beach? Yes! Can it be trolled? Yes the Vertrex Max can be trolled. Can you fish it in fresh water? Yes it catches just about anything in fresh water. Even fish that rarely eat lures. How many ounces does each size weigh?
VERTREX MAX 95 VIBE 3-3/4" - 4/5OZ
VERTREX MAX 110 VIBE 4-1/3" - 1-1/3OZ
VERTREX MAX 130 VIBE 5" - 2-2/5OZ
VERTREX MAX 150 VIBE 6" - 3-3/5OZ
VERTREX SWIM 95 VIBE 3-3/4" - 4/5OZ
VERTREX SWIM 110 VIBE 4-1/3" - 1-1/5OZ
Can they be cast far? Yes they cast very well. Is there a way to fish it on snaggy bottom? Yes the trebles can be removed. The tow point eyelet can be turned with a pair of pliers at 90 degrees. Feed leader through the eyelet and tie on a single treble with no split ring using a uni knot or blood knot. Measure the distance of the treble and hook one on the back of the lure so the eye of the hook butts up to the tow point. Squashing a barb on the hook going into the lure helps the hook come out of the lure and then the weight of the lure won’t be used by the fish to throw the hooks. This modification turns the lure into a line though lure. Does it catch Snapper and Grouper? Yes it catches all snapper and grouper species. Can the lure be vertically jigged? Yes you can lift the lure off the bottom and then lower it whilst waiting for a strike. Is it durable? Yes we have caught a dozen big Bluefish weighing 12-19 pounds on the same lure before catching a 38 Pound Striped Bass in the same session. Are the hooks that come on the lures hood? Yes they come equipped with BKK Hooks that are seriously sharp and strong. The smallest Vertrex 75 comes with small black nickle hooks that can be changed out for stronger hooks if you are using more than 10 pound tackle.
The Nomad Vibe Tribe would like to thank all the members of the WPB Fishing Club for their support and the staff for putting on the event.